Canamis CBD Edibles

Premium quality CBD oil expertly packaged up in easy-to-enjoy edibles. Choose from our selection of chewing gum, gummies and soft gel capsules and enjoy CBD for Pain Relief on-the-go. All our products are lab tested for purity and potency with 0.0% THC guaranteed.

Canamis CBD Life + Health Products

CBD oil isn’t for everyone. The earthy taste and the pipette dosing might not fit with your lifestyle. Lucky for you we stock a range of edibles that make our premium quality CBD accessible and easy to enjoy on-the-go. We’ve listened to your feedback and heard your concerns. We know you want reliable dosing and high-quality CBD without the compromise. With the same amount of CBD in every edible, you can be sure you’re getting the right dose every time. CBD can be as simple as a morning supplement.

A pack of gum slipped in your back pocket to freshen your breath on the way to a big meeting. Or a tin of strawberry gummies in your gym bag for a post-workout pick-me-up. And if you’re looking for a no-nonsense approach to CBD dosing, soft gel capsules will fit seamlessly into your morning routine. Simply swallow with water and get on with your day. No droppers. No measuring. Perfect when discretion and privacy are paramount.

Follow our journey as we expand our core offering of CBD edibles. We respond to the latest CBD developments and popular demand to ensure you can enjoy the latest CBD products with ease. Explore our selection of indulgent CBD gummies. And if crystal domes of sugary sweetness aren’t your thing, we’ve got refreshing CBD chewing gum in cool mint to tempt your palate. With 10mg of CBD per piece of gum, you can be confident you’re always getting the ideal dose. We also developed a range of Canamis soft gel capsules, perfect to add to your daily routine.

Convenience and consistency are key. We know that not all CBD companies are created equal. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing consistently high-quality CBD edibles, so you can be sure you’re always enjoying premium quality extracts. To complete your experience, explore our range of curated collections. We’ve created collections to suit your lifestyle, so if you’re looking for a moment of calm or a recipe for recovery, we’ve got your covered. Not sure which products to select? See our CBD guide for further support.